Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Started Second Word Pattern Today!

I started working on the second word pattern today for Phonics Workshop. I have to say the students did great. The lesson went much faster today. We were able to do the class bubble map on the Smart Board, the writing of the words on their white boards, and the word wheel. They responded to the prompt of "Make  it, read it, write it" with flying colors. We also practice counting sounds as individual c-v-c word and as onset and rime. There was oral practice, manipulation and written practice today.

Now tomorrow, they will do the writing paper as morning work and we will do our first word sort! In the beginning, word sorts are cut and pasted. We are not only teaching them to distinguish between two different word patterns, but we are actually teaching them to sort.

Wow! When you really break it down...our Phonics Workshop teaches blending fluency, reading fluency, sound identification, sorting, manipulation of sounds and so much more. You'd never realize how many different life long skills you are teaching until you really analyze it.

Check it out!

Here are a couple of links!

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