Get your Fall Materials at 15% off until Halloween!
In this Zipped file, you get all the materials to complete a 4 station Fall Celebration. We use these centers as our culminating activity to our Properties of Matter Unit for our Science Curriculum in our First Grade Classrooms. But, these centers can be done as individual activities with your class in Kindergarten, First, or even Second Grade. We use our learned property words to identify and describe different things in fall. We use our sensed to describe and compare as well. The four centers are: Comparing and Contrasting Apple Juice Vs. Apple Cider, Comparing 3 different types of apples, Pumpkin Observations, and Changing Matter through changing the appearance of white frosting. All Centers have follow up recording sheets to describe each with property words. The graphs for the Apple Juice vs. Apple Cider and Apple Comparisons are available on hard copy or on the Smart Board. There are 17 files altogether. Directions and materials needed are also included in the preview file. Banners for display are also included. It's a great way to incorporate fall study into your curriculum!
In this zipped file you get a set of graphing materials to create a Skittles bar graph. There is a sorting sheet, the bar graph, and a results page. Also included is a Smart Board file with all three components for demonstration, or to do as a whole class activity. The Smart Board file has colored circles to demonstrate sorting, colored blocks to demonstrate graphing, and the results page to demonstrate the written component. A banner is also included to display student work after the activity is completed.This is always a lot of fun!
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