Sunday, September 2, 2012

Looking Ahead to Next Week!

The long weekend is going fast my friends!

What are you planning to do next week? In our classrooms we are starting our Phonics Workshop. We have been working on review of Letter Sounds and next week will start blending those sounds. We start with the phonogram, -at. On Day 1 we will introduce the word web on the Smart Board. (This can also be done by printing out the pictures and taping/gluing them to chart paper to make a large web.)We show the picture cards one at a time and teach students to blend the sounds. For example: the picture of a cat..."Boys and girls, this is a cat. /c/ /a/ /t/." (I count on my fingers as I break the word into 3 individual sounds. Students follow along counting on their fingers as well.) I do this several times because I am not just teaching the sounds for cat, but I'm teaching the students to break the word into 3 individual sounds and how to count those sounds. Then I will say, "What is the first sound? /c-c-c-c/ What is in the middle? /a-a-a-a-/ What is at the end? /t-t-t-t-/ I do this for each of the picture cards. At this point I am teaching the process of how we use our Phonics Workshop, so I don't even tie the sounds to the letters during this lesson. I end the session by singing a song. "I know a word that has the at sound. I know a word that has the at sound. I know a word that has the at sound. It must have the at sound. Cat is a word that has the at sound. Cat is a word that has the at sound. Cat is a word that has the at sound. It must have the at sound. I then take responses from the children for other at words. As each is spoken, we count the sounds as a group. We are still working the process of learning to identify, count, and blend those sounds. The pictures are visible, so it offers support for those in need. The closure is having the students give an at word to go back to their seats. They can also partner up to tell each other all the at words they can remember and count the sounds. On Day 2, we open the minilesson with the pictures visible and singing the song again. (The students love this.) The students will be on the carpet with their white boards, markers, and erasers. I display the picture web and go through them all again. I model counting the sounds and then students repeat. After all of the words of the pictures have been said and counted, I ask them if they know what letters go with the sounds of /a/ and /t/. I tell them if they know it to write it at the top of their whiteboards. I then reveal the 'at' sorting card to them to check for accuracy. I tell them if they know the chunk -at, then they can spell cat. I then say the word cat and we count the sounds again. I tell them to write the letter that goes with the /c/ sound. Then write the letter that goes with the /a/ sound and finally to write the letter that goes with the /t/ sound. I ask for a volunteer to spell the word. I write it under the picture, circle the word and picture and draw a line to the center sorting card. We do this for each picture and the students end up with a generated list of at words. The practice piece involves the making of the word wheel. I use the phrase, make it, read it, write it to cue them back to their seats. The rest of the lesson plans for Day 3 of at is free on either Teachers Pay Teachers or on Teachers Notebook. It comes with the zipped files. There are 15 files to at, an, and ap. THEY ARE FREE!!! There are word wheels, picture cards, Smart Board files, word sorts, and writing papers for at, an, and ap!!! Plus the lesson plan format for all of Phonics Workshop! It's research based and it works!

Sample pages from the files for free!

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