Thursday, September 6, 2012

Phonics! Teaching blending? How do I do it? Why do I do it?

So I had to split day 1 a of our phonics workshop introduction into several seems that I may have some students who are having some difficulty with blending..But you know what? That's OK right now.One thing to remember about this type of phonics instruction...It's OK to slow down in the beginning... you are teaching your students to hear the letter sounds being blended together to make a chunk and then asking them to separate them out again....This may be a brand new skill for a lot of them...You are also teaching a process to learn to use our materials as tools for learning which takes time at the beginning. Plus you are dealing with some students that can already read, but not decode. 

  • Even those that can read at an early age sometimes have difficulty picking up this blending process immediately...Sometimes these student read from sight or context, but it is IMPORTANT for these students to learn to decode too! Sometimes those early readers are just pushed through thinking they don't need that blending and decoding instruction because they can read...But that doesn't always work. (Sometimes it does, but not always!) Think beyond first grade and even part of second grade. When students start reading nonfiction books for content areas, like Social Studies and Science, the decoding skill  is absolutely necessary. The increase in vocabulary is huge. They need to be able to decode. Sometimes those early readers get stuck because they have been skipped over the blending and decoding process. Don't do it! Teach them to decode. There are ways to differentiate the products and activities for these higher readers.
Anyway...Back to blending! Students made their first word web today with the -at pattern. They made their word wheel, read it two times, and then wrote all the words in their journal. It was kind of funny because what will take 5 - 8 minutes a few weeks down the road, took 45 minutes today! I think I forget every year how long it actually takes to train the kids to work so quickly! But honestly, I know it will come. They were so excited to do the word web again for homework tonight...They are already starting to own this process! Tomorrow they will learn to use the flip book and writing paper as tools also. Seems I need some handwriting instruction as well! It's ok though, we have it all. 

These are the blanks that we use for independent and guided practice with all patterns throughout.
$3.00 for all 4! That's a great deal!

Word Web - Can be used for more than just phonics!
word book (double sided)

Flip Book

Word Chunk Search

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